I started doing art around the age of 4 or 5 years old. Art has always been a big part of my life, as far as I can remember. I am a representational artist. I love drawing from observation, and occasionally from my imagination. I draw portraits, still life, ladscapes at times, and I do narrative works. My mediums are oil paints, graphite, and charcoal. I try to paint and draw daily if possible. I'm really am my own motivation.
I do look at other artists works from time to time, but self-development motivates me the most.
Artist that I get inspired by are too many to count, but I'll give a few names. John Singer Sargent, Everett Raymond Kinstler, Norman Rockwell, Simmie Knox, Michael Shane Neal, John Siebels Walker, Daniel E. Greene, Kevin Wak Williams, Charly Palmer, James Kerry Marshall, Ted Ellis. I could keep going, but you get the idea. I still go by the knowledge given to me by my two main mentors over 30 plus years ago. John Stovall, my junior college instructor, and L.T. Gordan, my High School art teacher, it is their fundamentals, 1. work hard, 2. focus, 3. go darker with your darks and lighter with your lights."
I have a Master of Arts from the University of Houston, in Clear Lake, Texas. I own books and dvds by Everett Raymond Kinstler, John Howard Sanden, Daniel Greene, Michael Shane Neal, David Kassan, and Norman Rockwell and I read and use their philosophies in my work.
I do not have any art exhibits at this time, however if you want to commission a work or contact me you can do so through my website eddiefilerart.com or through Facebook and Instagram, Eddie Filer artist. My studio space is an office space in my house. My work can also be seen at the Houston Museum of African American Culture (HMAAC).
All rights to all images belong to the artists and cannot be used in any form without the written permission of the artists.