Multi-Media & Performance Artist

Photographs: ©2010-2021, Harry Gamboa Jr.
In as much as AOTCE takes an artist story and recreates it to make it familiar to every genre, AOTCE has taken a different approach to the interview process with Xavier Cázares Cortéz. As a firm believer in the Malcolm X maxim "Make It Plain", we at AOTCE know that Malcolm X believed we should hear, listen, and understand other ways of seeing. It is with this idea in mind that we at AOTCE thought it was relevant and important that we hear Xavier Cázares Cortéz as he remembers HIS STORY the way he lived it. The following words are his and the review of his work is by others as he remembers.
Written by Xavier Cazare Cortez to AOTCE
I am an artist who is reconciled to the contradictory nature of information and its copious networks. Moreover, I acknowledge the paradox within these systems as an inescapable element of the human condition in the 21st-Century. My life's work has been to research, teach, and create art forms that allow us to probe further and deeper into our cognitive beings, and contribute to what may ultimately make us broader, smarter, faster, and hopefully freer. Accident and synthesis are my artistic stratagem and are much closer to the essence of contemporary experience. My practice involves actively taking objects, sign systems and structures and regenerating (subverting) their meaning and extends across media. Since a very young age, my involvement in multidisciplinary arts is born out of a desire to more closely examine the proliferation of texts--signs and signifiers—objects, words, acronyms, symbols and visual culture. The work also questions notions of aesthetics and the power structure that aesthetics inscribes on us.
All rights to all art work and photographs remain the rights of the artists and cannot in any form be duplicated without the consent of the artist.