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Photograph by Jeff Cancelosi

Izaha Ford self-portrait.jpg



ARTIST ON THE CUTTING EDGE: Welcome to AOTCE Izaiah.  When did you get into the arts?

IZAIAH FORD: I started doing art around nine years old.

AOTCE: What type of art do you do?

IZAIHA: The style of art I am creating is called Neo-African-Abstract.

AOTCE: Would you explain what Neo-African-Abstract is for the reader? 

IZAIAH: Neo-African-Abstract is a style created to articulate a new way of seeing Pan-Africa. 

This is a style to point out critical thoughts and responses.  With these ideas we can enrich

ourselves and break past the burdens of everyday pains of life.  A narrative to initiate rehabilitation

of freedom in so many people and seeing the world in only black and white.


"Roller Coaster Of You"                 23x9                                Izaiah Ford

AOTCE: Why do you think photo realism is so prominent today versus abstraction?

IZAIAH: I believe photo realism is important because it gives the world a path into the mind of the artist and because we artist should document our time period.

AOTCE: What is your subject?

IZAIAH: My subject is crating a world where people learn how to mentally perceive their emotions differently.  It helps those who have so much pain and anger inside, to find peace and happiness.

AOTCE: What is you medium of choice?

IZAIAH: My medium of choice is very versatile.  I use acrylics, pastel, graphite, charcoal and watercolors.

I like to build a combination and show my creativity.

AOTCE: So, you use more than one medium?

IZAIAH: Yes, I use several types of graphite, charcoal, archival ink, prisma colors etc.

AOTCE: Do you create regularly and if so how often?

IZAIAH: Yes, I do create regularly as much as possible.  I like to think that if you're not putting your work out for others to see, you're wasting time.

AOTCE: What is your motivation to create art?

IZAIAH: My motivation is to know that I am, at least, making a change in one person's life each moment I can.

AOTCE: If you teach what lessons do you leave with your students?

IZAIAH: I do teach and the lesson I want to leave with my students is that your gift is your truth.  Your art is your journaland by creating you are continually composing your stry.  Letting people see where you came from and how your journey has made you who you are today.

AOTCE: Who is your greatest influence?

IZAIAH: My greatest influence is my mentor Mr. Henry Harper.  He has single handedly changed my life.  Mr. Harper is so giving to everyone who crosses his path.

AOTCE: Who's art work do you admire most and why?

IZAIAH: I admire artist like Lois Mailou Jones because she effectively epresses stories about our culture.

AOTCE: Where can interested readers see your work in a gallery setting?

IZAIAH: I have an online presence where my art can be seen.  You can follow me on Instagram at Art.By.Izaiah Ford (@artistizaiahford) • Instagram photos and videos, Facebok at (20+) Izaiah Ford | Facebook, Weebly at and my BLOG on

AOTCE: Thank you Izaiah Ford for taking the time to talk with AOTCE about your art.

All rights to all images belong to the artists and cannot be used in any form without the written permission of the artists.  

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