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Editor Comments


Photograph by Roshan Spottsville

We are still in it!  Yes, covid is still here and the virus continues to take loved one's away from us.  Whether we believe the whole thing is a conspiracy or not, the fact that covid continues to wreck the lives of too many is evident.  Only we can find the truth based on real facts and take a stand to make our world safer.  It is our choice. 

Our featured artist Izaiah Ford is shown in a mask and by doing so, marks the time we live in.   Izaiah is a relative newcomer to art even though he has been in the arts for some time.  He talks about his beginnings in the world of art, his mentor, and he articulates what he brings to his art.  His renewed dedication and work ethic to the arts is to be admired. 

Other artists included in this publication are Reggie Singleton and Taft Parson.  Both of these artists are talented and think about the past and how it reflects on their future.  With Taft's  knowledge of the past and the artists that came before him, he in cooperates it into his multi-media abstracts.  Reggie Singleton uses representation to articulate his internal conflicts and puts them down on paper for everyone to see and experience.

This month we introduce a new person to AOTCE.  K. Bass will be a part of the AOTCE family along with her observational commentary and poetry.  We take this time to welcome K. Bass to this publication and we hope that you will read her musings in good health.

Valerie Fair


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